Friday 23 October 2009

Task 2: Research into Existing Products [Romantic Comedy]

Research into the genre of Romantic Comedies

I found my research from wikipedia
Romantic comedies are films with light-hearted, humorous plot lines which are based around romantic ideals for example true love which overcomes all/most obstacles. Romantic comedy is a sub-genre of comedy and romance films and often includes elements of screwball (feature farcical situations, a combination of slapstick with fast-paced repartee) and stoner comedies (cannabis used in a comic and positive fashion). They are primarily aimed at a female audience.

A Basic plot of romantic comedies is that two protagonists (usually a man and a woman) meet, part ways due to an argument or other obstacle and then usually reunite.
Sometimes the two protagonists meet and become involved initially, they then must overcome challenges to reinforce their union. Sometimes the two protagonists are hesitant to become romantically involved because they believe that they do not like each other, (because one of them already has a partner, or because of social pressures). However, there are always clues suggesting that the two are 'meant to be'. The protagonists often separate or seek time apart to sort out their feelings or deal with any other external obstacles to their being together.

When being apart one or both usually realise that they are ideal and are in love. After their realisation there is a grand gesture where there love is declared perhaps with some comic friction or awkwardness and then the film ends happily. However the couple don't have to marry or live together the ending is used to affirm the primary importance of love in their relationship even if it doesn't last.


  • instead of the two lead characters ending up in each other's arms, another love match will be made between one of the principal characters and a secondary character.
  • the film may be rumination on the impossibility of love.
  • some comedy films, combine themes of romantic comedies and stoner comedies, creating a sub genre that appeals to both men and women. These types of films usually use sexual content which brings the two characters together.

The following information was researched from Film Bug

One of the conventions of romantic comedy films is the contrived encounter of two potential romantic partners in unusual or comic circumstances, film critics have called this a "meet-cute" situation. During a "meet-cute", scriptwriters often create a humorous sense of awkwardness between the two potential partners by an initial clash of personalities or beliefs, an embarrassing situation, or by introducing a comical misunderstanding.

In many romantic comedies, the potential couple comprises polar opposites, two people of different temperaments, situations, social statuses, who would not meet or talk under normal circumstances, the "meet-cute" gives the opportunity for these two people to meet.
The attraction between the lead characters must be established quickly. The subject matter of romantic comedies are the obstacles that the potential pair must face before they can acknowledge their love, and the audience must care about the relationship enough to finish the movie.

Use of "meet cute" situations
Certain movies are entirely driven by the meet-cute situation, and contrived circumstances throw the couple together for much of the screenplay.
An example of a "meet cute" is in Notting Hill, the character played by Hugh Grant accidentally spills orange juice on the character played by Julia Robert, which leads them into a conversation.

Resources: and

1 comment:

  1. well researched Natasha, but make sure you put it in your own words to show true understanding. Looking forward to the rest of the work!
