Monday 14 December 2009


Other Ideas:
Idea 1:
Cindy lives with her ‘evil’ stepmother who has a split personality however only Cindy sees her other side. When the old grandfather clock strikes 12 each night Cindy needs to escape from her evil stepmother and tries to run because every night at 12 something horrible happens to her. Cindy tells people but nobody believes her because they always see the nice side of her. In the end the evil stepmother splits in half and because they thought that Cindy was insane she feels free when she is put into a mental asylum.
Idea 2:

It’s Halloween and all the kids are trick or treating when they knock on the old mans house, the old man gives them their treat – which is a poisonous sweet that lures them in. Once in he kills them violently. The old man has a phobia of children he believes they are evil so he makes it his jobs to kill all the children so the world will be safe, the man moves round leaving no trail and no evidence, the parents are tricked and don’t suspect a thing, until one day when he comes to a town and finds a child who has the same feelings however towards old people.
Idea 3:
In the back garden of an old woman’s house is a graveyard full of open shallow graves where you can see all her victims lying covered in blood. At night the lady taps the old oak tree and brings the dead to life, there quest at night is to add one more zombie to her collection. However one night a victim doesn’t completely become a zombie its his mission to save the human population. In the end he kills the old woman and chops down the tree he believes he has saved everyone or has he?

Chosen Idea - Idea 4:
Some boy twins, who are your usual 9 year old boys getting into mischief when one day one of the twins see a mask in the water this possesses him and gives him the power to control people and things with his mind, he brutally murders people who seem to anger him, when he discovers his next task is to kill his brother, however the good twin realises the only way for him to save his brother is if he dies, so he dies to save his brother from the possession of the devil.

Adam and Ashley are playing outside one day when Adam sees a white mask in the pond in the back garden, after staring at the mask unaware to Adam he has become possessed by the devil, Ashley wonders what happened to Adam as he is quiet and appears spaced out. The next day they go to school, and Ashley being his usual self gets himself into trouble. Ashley gets shouted at by the Mrs Davison which angers Adam – Adam is still unaware of his supernatural powers to control people and objects and unknown to him makes the scissors in the classroom levitate and stab the teacher who dies in a pool of blood, the twins are seen watching the paramedics carry out the body bag carrying their former teacher. At home dinner that night is silent and they are sent to bed early, When everyone is asleep Adam in some kind of trance walks out to the pond where he originally saw the mask, writing appears explaining that he has been chosen, and its his destiny from the devil. The twins and their family are Christians and are very religious. Adam and Ashley go to the park they are playing on the swings when a spoilt child pushes them off and the little girl carries on playing on the swings Adam makes the swing twist resulting in the girl being strangled. They run off and it looks like an accident. Later on the two recent deaths make the news, this makes Ashley think that the deaths only happen around him. Adam is aware of what he can do, so when one day the are in the supermarket with their mom who they have a lot of respect for. A woman is quite rude to her this offends Adam has no one should be so nasty to his mother as being religious without her they wouldn’t have life, uses his mind he makes an empty trolley with speed push into the lady pushing her into the pyramid glass display she is shredded to pieces. The story continues with Adam brutally murdering anyone who upsets or angers him. When his murdering habits come to the household. At home Adam sees his sisters boyfriend hit her, he possess the family dog who attacks him and tears his limbs off. The family need to hide the dead body and throws the corpse in the pond. The Dad shots the dog to stop any repeat performances. After a tough family life the Dad threatens to leave and an abusive argument Adam takes it upon himself and takes the butchers knife and kills his Dad. The Mom is distraught but she knows she will be blamed she hides the body in the cellar. Adam returns to the pond and Ashley closely follows and hears him chanting that his next task is to kill his brother.
Ashley knows he needs to will fully die to really save his brother from the devil.

Character Profiles
Adam 19.08.00
  • Black Hair
  • Brown Eyes
  • Preppy Look
  • Dresses Identically to twin
  • Fairly Tall
  • Healthy Weight
  • Centre parting hair, gelled back to sides
  • Pale Skin


  • Smart
  • Religious
  • Innocent Devilish behaviour
  • Adores his mother
  • Respectful
  • Dominant Twin
  • Likes: cars, building things, helping his Grandad, playing with Ashley, Jam sandwiches, Interested in animals, watches childrens tv
  • Dislikes: things being unfair, people shouting at him, sprouts, doesn't like girly tv programs, going to school even though he is good at it!
Ashley 19.08.00
Appearance: (identical to Adam)
  • Black Hair
  • Brown Eyes
  • Preppy Look
  • Dresses Identically to twin
  • Fairly Tall
  • Healthy Weight
  • Centre parting hair, gelled back to sides
  • Pale Skin


  • Average Intelligence
  • Religious
  • Innocent Devilish behaviour
  • Adores his mother
  • Respectful
  • Follows what Adam does
  • Gets into trouble more
  • Likes: cars, building things, helping his Grandad, playing with Adam, Chocolate, Interested in how things work, watches childrens tv
    Dislikes: people shouting at him, carrots, doesn't like girly tv programs, going to school, Mrs Davison

Location Ideas

For the opening scene, I will need a house with a backgarden pond I will more than likely use my Nan and Grandads house has there garden matches this description.

Idea of Opening Scene Sequence

  • Begins with black screen and you can hear the creepy children singing ring a roses.
  • For the credits, the names will look like they are appearing on the water.
  • Then the film begins, you can see the twins playing with the pond in the background
  • Zooms in and is just the twins playing with there toys its is set in at Dusk
  • The camera move to the pond as it tilts in to show the name of the film 'Possession'
  • There is brief conversation with over the shoulder shots and a match on action of giving a toy block
  • There is quiet tension building music playing in the background
  • The Mom shouts the boys in
  • Ashley runs in leaving Adam alone
  • You can see Adam with no expression looking into the pond
  • After different angled shots
  • We can see a mask appear and then disappear, the music rises
  • Then there is a shot of use looking up at Adam as though we are in the water
  • Mom calls Adam again and he backs away slowly

Genre can be identified through the opening sequence by the use of creepy sing song from the children and the quiet tension building music, as there is alot of features on the unknown as we are unaware what is happening in the pond and the use of the iconic mask is a key image. Twins are deemed as quite frightening to audiences and so is the use of children as I found this out in my questionnaires.

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