Monday 22 February 2010


1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
A convention of a horror genre is the element of aversion I used the affect of the unknown when using a mask and the different camera angles which created an uncertain atmosphere. The music I used made the scenes creepier and the music is a vital convention to horror as it is used to create a rise in tension. I also decided to keep to the typical conventions so it would be recognized as a classic horror film.

2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?
The main characters I used are children that are from a religious influence typically children are seen as innocent when watching the opening sequence that is what I portrayed the children as. However I go against the stereotypical expectations with my idea as the possessed twin goes on to be evil which is expected in my chosen genre as evil characters are expected.

3. What kind of media institution might distribute your product and why?
When researching British distribution companies I found Entertainment Film Distributors which is a distributor of independent films and was founded in 1978. I reckon that they would distribute my product as looking through the films they already distribute it shows a lot of variety of all different genres and they are particularly interested in supporting British Films.

4. Who would be the audience is young adults around 30's as in my questionnaire this was a popular age range. The gender is mixed as it can appeal to both and I had a balance in the amount of males and females I asked. The audience should be people who like to watch something which is unpredictable as this was a concern for people so I didn't fall ino the typical patterns of horrors.

5. How did you attract/ address your audience?
I addressed my audicene as the sophisticated editing software I used allow me not to make it too childish and not mak eit innappropriate to keep a decant standard to my work. The music used was not specific to a gender or sub cultures so it would be appealing to the target audicne and not single anyone out.

6. What have you learned about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
From contructing my product I learnt bout the software Final Cut Pro and actually using Mac computers. The editing was different to anything I used before as this was a muc better software as it is used in the industry but It was good being able to the different and complex editing technics. I also as introduced to blogging which was new as I have experience with creating website and html but never have used a blog before so I learnt about how that works.

7. Looking back at the preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression from it to the finished pruduct?
I worked on my product on my own which meant I was responsible for everything and didn't have anyone to rely on, so considering this I feel my time management worked well as I finished within the deadline. I already had some experience with cameras but now I feel more confident and my skills have improved it was also new to use a tripod as I never used one of these before so it was good learning how to use one and how I create the different camera angles and shots.
By filming I had to be aware of the filming rules for example the 180 degree rule and match on action which I felt I did quite well compared with the premilinary task where the match on action lasted to long.
From the premilinary task and the final product I created a script which was stuck by and helped the sequence flow as my initial task the lack of script hindered the scene.

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