Sunday 28 February 2010

Looking Back at creating the project

I wrote a script for the opening of my film as in the first task this is what it lacked and was my target for the main project, however when it came to the day of filming because I couldn't find any toy blocks to use which was what the twins conversation was about whilst playing I had to edit it for what toys we had, this showed also good initiative skills.

The main problems I had whilst filming was the weather as all my scenes are set outside, the heavy snowfall meant I wasn't allowed to film when I planned, another problem was that on the first day of filming we started late which meant it got too dark to finish the last shots. This meant I had to borrow a camera on another day. Other weather problems was rain and when it got further into the month and I really need to finish filming and there was more snow we had to brush away the snow! You can still see this in some of the last shots! Another problem was the lack of water in my Nan and Grandads pond which we had to refill which was very time consuming.
But once all the weather problems were overcome I enjoyed filming with my family as they did what was asked and it was nice working together.

I enjoyed editing my film and logging and capturing and putting all the pieces together. One thing which I didn't like doing was the EDL and the recording log as it was time consuming and fiddly! But once I did that compulsory bit of paper work, the rest went well learning about the different effects and what different things you can do.

What I would change if I did it next time?
If I'm honest I wouldn't really change anything I did as I tried my best and I think the final project shows this, Some things could of been done better but for me it was the best of what I could do with what I had. If I were to do something like this again I may choose a different genre because it would be contrasting and good to try something different and learn about another genre in the depth I learnt about the Horror genre, has I don't watch horror films because they scare the life out of me even the seriously minor ones and films which aren't even classed as a horror e.g The Little Mermaid! :D So It was a challenge researching this genre and watching the opening of some pretty scary films!

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