Sunday 8 November 2009

Textual Analysis on Dark Corners [Horror Genre]

Dark Corners
Dark Corners use an effective opening it begins with a constant creaking noise whilst the opening credits played on a black background to white text similar to ‘The Host’ it uses a ghostly text effect which plays on the audiences minds. It the uses a long shot showing a women dressed in black rocking on a rocking chair the source of the creaking noise, we can also hear the ticking of the clock enhance the importance of time possibly for the rest of the film there is no camera movement it then fades black and quickly grabs the audiences attention with dramatic opening music revealing the title of the film with the same ghostly text effect.
It then fades into a long shot of a church decorated with candles the mise en scene is effective at this point as it sets the scene. As the female character enters it uses a CU and diagetic sound is present e.g. the echo of foot steps on the stone floor etc. as she sits down the camera tilts up to show a religious statue and focuses on the writing saying ‘The lord praise him’. It then goes to a ECU of the women asleep and blood dripping onto her face it shows the confusion in her face, we then see a body covered in blood and is generally disfigured, tension building music is playing in the background quick camera shots of the woman, the body and the religious quote. The music is getting louder showing us an increase in tension we then see the woman running away trying to escape through the door, she turns around a sees a man with a knife there is a mixture of MCU and ECU as the man walks towards her, she turns around and the man is not there, and appears to be on the other side of the door she is trying to escape through, she then backs away and backs away into the killer, he grabs her a slits her throat we are then shown an ECU of her bloody throat using the element of the unseen. It then shows the man walking through the camera shot. It the shoots to a shot of a man and woman who is blindfolded in a car, playing on the theory of dreams?

1 comment:

  1. the set of analyses are very strong, Natasha. i am pleased that you have chosen a variety of films from different countries and eras as this shows you how the genre has developed over time and in accordance with cultural expectations. excellent work.
